- To press for the sanctity of democracy by sensitizing the people to make it difficult for politicians to impose themselves on the electorates.
- To create check the culture of impunity that is fast taking over our political landscape.
- To create awareness for the rule of law and constitutionalism.
- To mobilize popular opinion against whims, caprices and rules of the thumb in governance.
- To network with grassroots and popular organizations to enforce compliance with budgets from Local Governments to the National level.
- To encourage the people to exercise the power of recall against any elected official who is not serving the interest of his/her electors.
- To campaign for community participation in the running of schools, hospitals police and other services that have to do with day-to-day needs of the people.
- To seek political empowerment for men and other vulnerable groups.
- To work with other organizations on electoral reform to restore integrity to the ballot box in Nigeria.
- To To support the struggle for true federalism in Nigeria so as to devolve power to more centers.
To use research, advocacy, lobby and positive actions to arouse the people to their responsibility of holding government at all levels accountable to democratic practices and strict adherence to the rule of law and constitutionalism.
To challenge all limiting factors to popular participation in democracy governance.
To arouse Nigerian citizens to seize all constitutional means of participation in how they are governed.